Bloomberg declared top 100 billionaires from the world on 10th February, 2013. It's around 80B to 11B net worth people in the top 100. Some of them get Upgrade and Some of them Degrade. Check out the details, with full profiles for them as well as detail of the analysis at Bloomberg Billionaires at
As we check out related to the country, United States (US) lead by 37 Billionaires; Russia followed by 12 where as 7 from Germany; Brazil, France, Hong Kong, Mexico each 4; India and Sweden has 3; Colombia, Italy, Switzerland come up with 2; Other countries like United Kingdom (UK), Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Cyprus, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, Ukraine add their presence by 1 from each. Where US #1 and Soviet Russia #2, 3rd as Germany placed.Where we can check out the data by Category and Criteria filtration. We can see that there is total 12 [ twelve ] female place their mark with one entry as 9th position in top 10.
Country Citizenship:

As a Category of the Industry:
- There is only One as Leader in the Apparel[1] industry with the Brand Nike : Mr. Phil Knight,
- 19 people w/1 women in Diversified[19] field with #1 Mr. Carlos Slim in billionaire.
- 7 people in the Energy[7] field lead by Bharat's [India's] most richest personality Mr. Mukesh Ambani
- In the Finance[11] w/1 female billionaire has total 11, and lead by.. we all knows young richest personality at the Old Age Mr. Warren Buffet. [Note: #69 Mr. Henry Sy Sr is not added in the industry, we add them here]
- Food & Beverages[7] 7 people with 1 female lead as 2nd, where as #1 Mr. Michele Ferrero with Ferrero Brand.
- 3 Man and 3 Women, has 50:50 ration, are there in the Manufacturing[6] field and lead by Germany's Richest women Susanne Klatten.
- Media[3] industry has just 3 [three] billionaires, leading by Mr. David Thomson.
- Only one leader in the Medical[1] industry Mr. Hansjoerg Wyss.
- Metals & Mining[9] has total 9 Billionaires with 3 women. Lead by Mr. Alberto Baileres and Bharat's [India's] Mr. Lakshmi Mittal placed 4th.
- As a leader Mr. Lee Shau Kee is one of three in Real Estate[3].
- With 3 (three) women Billionaires, total 16 billionaires in the Retail[16] field. Lead by Mr. Amancio Ortega.
- 4 billionaires in the Service[4] industry with market leader Mr. Sheldon Adelson. [Note: #37 Mr. Robert Kouk is not added in the industry, we add them here]
- Mr. Bill Gates [with Microsoft] become a Technology[13] leader with total 13 billionaires, where Mr.Larry Page and Mr. Sergey Brin set at 4th and 5th position [with Google], and Bharat's [India's] Mr. Azim Premji [with Wipro] get position as 6th. Youngest Billionaire Mr. Mark Zukerberg [with Facebook] catch the position on 10th.
- But it's strange in Telecommunication industry, there is no one available.
There is in the world market has large volume of the business persons. From them these 100's set their net worth above the Billion figures. We can see the women approx 12% ration of the total hundreds. Major business profiles in Diversified and Technology field. And we can say technology field is the fastest growing and large industry to do the business.
So, there is many thing in that, to check out the data, do some analysis. You can find total details with Billionaire peoples detail profile and rating, also you can see the analytic parameters at their with up/down of the net worth. check out 100 Bloomberg Billionaires.
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