Mr. Guruprasad Mohapatra (AMC Commissioner) on Saturday will present the budget of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) for the financial year 2012-13 before the standing committee. The commissioner is likely to increase budget proposals by around 6-7% as compared to the proposal for FY 2011-12 of Rs3,951 crore, thus raising it to Rs4,300-4,350 crore.
Last year, the then municipal commissioner IP Guatam, had proposed a budget of Rs3,951 crore which was increased to Rs4,651 crore by the civic body standing committee chairman Bhupendra Patel.
Since it was an election year, the civic body focused on providing the basic amenities to the citizens. Similarly this year, elections for the state assembly are scheduled and that is why the focus is likely to remain on providing basic amenities to people rather than spending huge amount on capital intensive urban projects.
Taking into consideration priority of the municipal commissioner, more financial allocation is expected for solid waste management and cleanliness in the city. The civic body had announced more than half a dozen flyovers, of which work on only a couple of bridges have started, and thus the proposals are likely to be repeated.
The civic body has already proposed to convert eight existing roads to model roads and more roads are likely to be converted into model roads in the next financial year.
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