Gujarat Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi honored for "Outstanding contribution to the cause of Indian Business" Mr. Modi created an environment, governance system and basic infrastructure where rich and poor, young and established entrepreneurs can live, work and do business. Resident Commissioner Shri Bharat Lal received award on behalf of CM from Union Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee  Gujarat Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi bagged the India Business Leader–CNBC TV 18 Award -2012 for his outstanding contribution to the Cause of Indian Business. On behalf of Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi, Resident Commissioner Shri Bharat Lal received this award from Union Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee at a function held here. Shri Modi is the only political leader who has been selected for the distinguished award which has been established to honour the individuals and organizations that have created new benchmarks for corporate excellence and have taken Indian business to a new echelon of fame. When the whole world was reeling under the economic slowdown, Shri Modi's vision and governance made Gujarat to achieve an unprecedented double digit economic growth.Gujarat has registered a GDP growth of over 10 percent over past five years which is the highest growth rate among all the states in India. He is the only political entity who has propagated avision that growth of Gujarat is integral for India's development which can be achieved by developing a synergistic approach towards converting the slowdown into an opportunity for all to excel. Under the leadership, statesmanship and governance of Shri Modi which he displayed in last decade as Chief Minister,Gujarat is home to one of the best infrastructure in the country. It is power surplus and sells power to other States. It is free of labour disputes and issues relating to land acquisition. Shri Modi envisioned events such the biennial Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors' Summit since 2003. Thousands of crores of rupees have since flowed into the State. He also harnessed the new opportunities brought in by the ongoing economic reforms, liberalisation and globalisation of the Indian economy. To realize the vision of Gujarat in totality, capitalizing on the in-house financial business acumen is a must. Shri Modi has laid his dream project, Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT)as the test-bed for future city technologies to cater to India's large financial services potential by offering global firms, world-class infrastructure and facilities. Jal Shakti: Harnessing of Water Resources, Gyan Shakti: Quality and coverage in Education, Jan Shakti: Development of Human Resources, Urja Shakti: Power of energy sources and Raksha Shakti: Security and well being of people. Since coming to power in 2001, Shri Modi hasreoriented and reorganized government's administrative structure, embarked upon a massive exercise for rehabilitation of people, reconstruction of infrastructure, recreation of the business environment and rejuvenation of the traditional entrepreneurial spirit of Gujarat. In the very first year of his tenure, he came out with an integrated strategy for overall development of the State.It is known as Panchamrut(five nectars) and includesJal Shakti:Harnessing of Water Resources,Gyan Shakti:Quality and coverage in Education,Jan Shakti:Development of Human Resources,Urja Shakti:Power of energy sources andRaksha Shakti:Security and well being of people. The efforts of his government have resulted into metamorphosis of a revenue deficit state into a revenue surplus state. He is widely regarded as a youthful and energetic leader with innovative thoughts and determination to implement them. Shri Modi has not only offered conducive environment to industry honchos to bloom and flourish but has also mobilized employment opportunities for other sections of the society particularly youth, poor and girls. According to Government of India's recently released survey, Gujarat accounts for 72 percent of the total employment rate whereas rest of India stands at 28 percent. In 2011, Shri Narendra Modi launched an ambitious campaign by the name MISSION MANGALAM with an objective to organize the poor into Self Help Groups/ Sakhi Mandals and link them with banks, build capacities in them and lead them towards sustainable livelihoods. Under this umbrella, the State Government has initiated a major programme of Corporate-Business Partnerships to conceptualize and implement projects which would generate and augment livelihoods in the rural areas of Gujarat to the tune of 1.2 million in the next 3-5 years. The total financial commitments to enable the above would be exceeding Rs. 20,000 Crores. It was Tata Nano that first put the spotlight on Gujarat four years ago, when its car-manufacturing project was relocated here after a troubled stint in West Bengal. Since then, other automakers have followed Tata Motors to the State. Car manufacturing plants are rapidly dotting the landscape with the likes of Ford, Peugeot, Tata Motors and Maruti-Suzuki set for some big plans. Shri Modi mooted a model of development through people's participation. USP of hisdevelopment model has been: a quantumleap (think big) and change right from the roots (no cosmetic changes). A large number of water harvesting structures like check dams, farm ponds and initiatives like Krishi Mahotsav (agricultural festival) and Kanya kelavani campaign (girl child education drive) are its examples. Agriculture production quadrupled from Rs.9,000 crores to 34,000 crores. Gujarat leads in energy production with 1878 megawatts of power generation. Through the Jyotigram yojana, he has been able to supply uninterrupted three phase round the clock electricity to all the 18,000 villages of the state.The rural economy is now vibrant owing to this and the villages have turned into centers of production. The state has ushered in a water revolution with creation of a large number of water harvesting structures and popularization of micro-irrigation techniques. Gujarat is the only state where, under the project e-gram vishwa gram, all the 18,000 villages are being provided broadband connectivity. One of the key factors catalyzing Gujarat's emergence as the most preferred investment destination is its security. Gujarat has the lowest crime rate in the country in last six years. Terrorist nexus, mafias and gangs have all lost grounds here. A leader who believes in team-work and a good work culture, Shri Modi has launched an ambitious training programme for the 5,00,000 government employees in Gujarat which is being watched in awe by every other state. Many of his initiatives like evening courts, interlinking of rivers, Jyotigram, Grievance redressal through SWAGAT online and others are being viewed as models for replication at the national level. The remarkable development projects achieved in Gujarat under Chief Minister Modi's leadership during last decade was not only applauded by industrialists but national leaders also. Gujarat has set an example for other Indian States as well as reserved its place in the South Asian sub-continent.It is quite gratifying that State Government's efforts in good governance are being applauded the world over. The visit of Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi to China in November 2011 has been a grand success and generated huge interest among business and industrial community as well as the Chinese political leadership. Chinese being diligent to the core, having seen all round development and spectacular growth of Gujarat, and the leadership provided by Mr. Narendra Modi, wants to build a strong and enduring relationship with Gujarat. Gujarat has received more than 200 national and international awards in last nine years for Good Governance. Shri Kumar Manglam Birla, Ms. Chanda Kochhar, Shri Deepak Parekh, Shri Raghav Bahal and other eminent personalities were the jury members for selection of the awardees. |