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Aug 4, 2012

Expansions of Aryans in India (Geographical expansion of Vedic Aryans)

Vedic Aryans gradually expanded to eastward direction during Rig-Veda phase. They settled in region between eastern Afghanistan and western U.P. but up to later Vedic they settled in upper Gangetic basin. It is and the basis of Vedic literature as well as PGW sites, we come to know about the geographical expansion of Vedic Aryans.

It is on the basis of Authority of Rig-Veda we find general description about the region of the Rig-Vedic Aryans. The Rig Veda gives reference to 42 rivers among them 19 has been described. It is on the basis of the geographical location of the rivers we can describe about the geographical location of Vedic Aryans. As well as Rig-Veda mention about western tributary to the river Indus. These were Subasto (swat). Susma (sohan), Gomal (Gomati) Kubha (Kabul) and Kruma (Kurrum). This river could be located in Afghanistan. So it appeared that the Rig- Vedic Aryans were settled in region of Afghanistan. Then the Rig-Veda mentions about the river Indus and its five eastern tributary, as well as river Saraswati. Its five tributary were Vitarta (Jhelam), Askini (Chenab), Paruksini (Ravi), Satadru (satluj), Vipasa (Beas). Apart from these Saraswati some time recognized as river Ghaggar. The river Indus its five eastern tributaries as well as the river Saraswati form the part of Saptsandhava region (the land of the seven rivers). The Saptsandhva region was the core region of Rig-Vedic civilization.

The Punjab was the nucleus of Rig-Vedic age in Rig-Veda apart from Saraswati even Drisdwati and the river Apaya have also been mentioned as these three rivers were situated in Rajasthan Likewise the Rig-Veda has described even about the river Marudha Vridna which was associated with Kashmir. Apart from that in the Rig-Veda the mountain Munjawanta has been mention. It was indented with Mountain Himalaya. This phenomena also show that Rig Vedic Aryan having were the familiarity with Region of Kashmir. The term Dhanva has in Rig-Veda. The meaning of Dhanva is desert. It is quite evident that region of Rajasthan further region the Rig-Veda mentioned about the river Ganga, the river Ganga and the rive Sqrayr. Whatever the information have been given by the Rig-Veda are being corroborated partially by PGW sites.

We have an earthed PGW sites near river Satluj in Haryana, in Rajasthan near the Yamuna River and PGW sites. We come to the conclusion that Rig Vedic Aryans were settled in eastern Afghanistan NWFP, Kashmir, and Punjab, a part of Sindh, Haryana, Rajasthan and western U.P. There are certain PGW sites where we have not traced out iron these sites were nagar, katpalan, Dhadheri and Bhagawanpura. These sites should have been associated with Rig Vedic phase. Rig-Vedic Aryans were familiar with the desert During later Vedic phase Vedic Aryans were settled in upper Gangetic basis. We come to know about the Kuru tribes which were the product of assimilation between two Rig-Vedic tribes Bharation and Purus, that they were settled in the upper part of upper Gangetic basis. Likewise on the basis of later Vedic literature we are informed that panchalayas were settled in middle part of the upper Gangetic basis. Later Vedic Aterya Brahmans. According to Aterya Brahmans the Aryans were settled in region between the river Yamuna and Ganga. Then Tateriya Arenyka give greater importance to the region between Yamuna and Ganga it means as Saptsandhna region was the nuclear of Vedic civilization so was the region between Yamuna and Ganga for have Vedic civilization then the end of later Vedic period of civilization drifted further to the east and the side by side of the river Sarayu koshala state was founded, by the side of river Varnwati the state of Kashi was founded and by side of river Sadanira Viseha the state of Videha Madhawa came into existence. A later Vedic text Salpath Brahman gives us the information that the region near river Sadanira was cleared by Videha madhawa through fire. In this way the river Sadanira (Gandak) becomes the eastern boundary. One later Vedic text Atharwaveda for the first time mentioned about the region Magadha and Anga. But these regions remain outside the pale of Aryadom.

Whatever information has given by later Vedic literature is being corroborated by PGW sites as well. We have observed a large no. of PGW sites in upper Gangetic basin. From these sites first evidence of iron was unearthed so this sites should have been associated with later Vedic phase so on the basis of literary and Archaeological evidence are come to know during Rig-Vedic phase the geographical expansion were confined to the region between Easter Afghanistan and river Yamuna. Up to this end of Vedic phase it reached up to the river Sadanira (Gandak) in the eastern.
Curtsy of UPSC Portal General Studies

Jul 30, 2012

Bhopal Gas Tragedy: Justice Delayed & Denied

In what came as a major disappointment for the Bhopal gas tragedy victims, a US Federal Court on 27 June 2012 absolved Union Carbide Corporation and its former chairman Warren Anderson of the Bhopal gas tragedy case. In his ruling US district Court Judge John F. Keenan concluded that UCC is neither directly nor as an agent of Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) liable for the mishap. While pronouncing its verdict the court invoked a 1998 court verdict in a case involving KFC, in which the court had observed that legally the mere assertion that a corporate parent is or was involved in the decision-making process of its subsidiary, or that it controlled the legitimate policies of its subsidiary, will not shift liabilities among distinct corporate entities. The US court verdict, came in the favor of UCC, has substantiated its long held stance over the Bhopal gas tragedy. The company has long been in denial of all the charges made against it by the victims of the tragedy. Below we are presenting the time line of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy and developments related to it.
Nearly 25000 people had lost their life in Bhopal Gas Tragedy, one of the worst industrial disasters of the world history. The disaster occurred following the leakage of poisonous Methyl Iso Cyanate gas from Union Carbide India Limited's (UCIL) , now a subsidiary of Dow Chemical Company, resulting in the exposure of over 500,000 people, pesticides factory in Bhopal on 2-3 December 1984. The catastrophic gas leak immediately claimed the life of 3000 people, while the aftermath of the disaster had proved to be far more horrifying as thousands of people died subsequently due to ill-effects of the toxic waste in the environment. The enormity of the damage can well be assessed by the fact that even today, after 28 years of the incident; the people of Bhopal are facing the wrath of the tragedy. Poor safety norms of UCIL are one of the prominent reasons for this tragedy. In a testimony to the long lasting catastrophic impact of the gas leak, a test conducted by the BBC in 2009 found that the water of the affected region contain 1000 times the World Health Organization's recommended maximum amount of carbon tetrachloride, a carcinogenic toxin.

Following is the Timeline of BHOPAL GAS TRAGEDY:
  • December 3, 1984: Toxic Methyl Iso Cyanate (MIC) gas releases from Union Carbide India Ltd's (UCIL) pesticide plant in Bhopal killing about  15,000 people and injuring at least five lakh others. Millions were left sick and the affected passed on the harmful effects of the gas to the next generations.
  • December 4, 1984: Warren Anderson, the chairman of Union Carbide, is among nine people arrested. But he was freed on bail of $ 2,000, upon a promise to return. Union Carbide is named as the 10th accused in a criminal case charged with culpable homicide.
  • February, 1985: Indian government files claim for $ 3.3 billion from Union Carbide in a US court.
  • 1986: US District Court judge transfers all Bhopal litigation to India.
  • December 1987: CBI files charge sheet against Warren Anderson and other accused, including UCC (USA), Union Carbide (Eastern) Hong Kong, and UCIL. Summons served on Anderson and UCC on charges of culpable homicide.
  • February 1989: CJM, Bhopal, issues non-bailable warrant of arrest against Warren Anderson for repeatedly ignoring summons.
  • February 1989: Indian government and Union Carbide strike an out-of-court deal and compensation of $ 470 million is given by Union Carbide.
  • February – March 1989: Public protest against the unjust settlement followed by filing of a number of review and writ petitions against the settlement in the Supreme Court by the Bhopal Gas Peedith Mahila Udyog Sangatan (BGPMUS), the Bhopal Gas Peedith Sangarsh Sahayog Samiti (BGPSSS) and other concerned groups.
  • October 3, 1991: The Supreme Court revokes criminal immunity to the firm and its officials.
  • November 11, 1991: Criminal cases against all accused revived in the chief judicial magistrate's court at Bhopal.
  • 1992: Part of $ 470 million is disbursed by the government among Bhopal gas victims.
  • February 1992: Anderson declared fugitive by law for ignoring court summons.
  • November 1994: Despite numerous petitions by survivors' groups, the Supreme Court allows Union Carbide to sell stake in UCIL to McLeod Russell (India) Ltd of Calcutta.
  • September 1996: Supreme Court dilutes charges against Indian officials of Union Carbide India Limited - subsidiary, majority owned by Union Carbide Corporation [UCC] – partly on grounds that culpability lies with UCC.
  • August 1999: Union Carbide announces merger with USbased Dow Chemicals.
  • November 1999: International environment watchdog Greenpeace tests soil, groundwater and wells in and around the derelict Union Carbide factory and finds 12 volatile organic chemicals and mercury in quantities up to six million times higher than expected.
  • November 1999: Several victims and survivors' organisations file an action suit against Union Carbide and its former CEO, Warren Anderson, in federal court of New York, charging Carbide with violating international human rights law, environmental law, and international criminal law.
  • February 2001: Union Carbide refuses to take responsibility for UCIL's liabilities in India.
  • January 2002: A study by Srishti and Toxics Links finds lead and mercury in breast milk of nursing mothers in communities near the plant.
  • June 2002: Bhopal gas tragedy survivors launch a protest in New Delhi when they hear the Indian government plans to drop charges against Anderson.
  • August 2002: Charges of culpable homicide are maintained against Anderson by Indian court, which demands his extradition to stand trial. Meanwhile, a British newspaper reports that Anderson is in New York after US authorities say they are unable to locate him.
  • October 2002: Protests to clean up former UCIL factory site in Bhopal that activists say contains thousands of tonnes of toxic waste.
  • May 2003: The Indian government formally conveys its request for extradition of Anderson to the US.
  • March 2004: A US court says it could order Dow Chemicals to clean soil and ground water in the abandoned factory site if the Indian government provides a no objection certificate. The Indian government forwards the certificate to the United States.
  • June 2004: The US rejects India's request for extradition of Anderson saying the request does not "meet requirements of certain provisions" of the bilateral extradition treaty.
  • July 19, 2004: India's Supreme Court orders the Central Bank to pay out more than 15 billion rupees, part of the original $ 470 million received as compensation kept in the account since 1992.
  • October 25, 2004: Bhopal gas victims protest the failure of the government to pay victim's compensation.
  • October 26, 2004: India's Supreme Court sets deadline of November 15 to pay out the rest of $ 470 million paid by Union Carbide as compensation.
  • June 7, 2010: All eight accused, including the then Chairman of Union Carbide Keshub Mahindra, in the Bhopal Gas disaster case convicted by a court.
  • June 27, 2012: US Federal Court on 27 June 2012 absolved Union Carbide Corporation and its former chairman Warren Anderson of the Bhopal gas tragedy case. Activists and victims of the Bhopal Gas tragedy case, who were fighting for justice, received a major blow when a US court held that neither Union Carbide nor its former chairman Warren Anderson were liable for environmental remediation or pollution-related claims at the firm's former chemical plant in Bhopal. However, activists fighting for justice in the case have stated that the court's decision in the case was not startling and that they would appeal again as there are enough evidence to nail Anderson. The appeals for compensation have been rejected thrice.
With more than 15,000 people killed and 25 years after the horrific incident only eight people have been held guilty and that with a punishment of 2 years. To top it all the main accused in the case Warren Anderson, the then chief of Union Carbide, is living at his plush mansion in the United States. No wonder the media and news headlines are once again flooded with the Bhopal Gas verdict and how easily the Indian Government bent over backwards to ensure that Anderson was allowed to leave the country after the incident. What is further embarrassing is that a former top CBI officer, who was supervising the investigations, is now on record saying how he was under pressure to allow Anderson to leave the country.
The Bhopal Gas tragedy verdict which has been in the news headlines these past few days has once again proved the old saying that justice delayed is indeed justice denied...but in this case it is rather a mockery of the country's entire judicial system, it is rather the case of Justice delayed & Justice denied. Entire issue is not just about the punishment to the UCIL or any other authority responsible for the tragedy. It's all about the Justice to the victims and all the people affected by that tragedy. Thousands of people lost their lives, thousands of people's health is tremendously affected even now. What is the value given to the Human Lives? Why is that it taken these many years to give the verdict? And after so many years they got discharged, Isn't it the case of Justice delayed & Justice denied? Apart from this, as the news reports day after day have been suggesting, we also need to have highly accountable system where both the investigators and the public prosecutors should be made responsible if the case is not able to result in adequate conviction in court. Media has been highlighting this issue for quite some time now as to how even though the workout percentage in most cases by police or CBI is very high, their conviction rate is very poor. This means the cases fall flat in court perhaps due to connivance of the prosecutors and the investigating officers. So even though the media is aggressively highlighting the mockery that has come in form of the Bhopal Gas tragedy verdict, the Government definitely needs to take note of it and come out with corrective measures sooner than later.

courtesy of upsc portal

Jun 15, 2012

The secret of success in any exam in life depend on three basic things:

The secret of success in any exam in life depend on three basic things:
1.    Speed
2.    Balance
3.    Weight.
When u go to any exam, u do your paper for example civil services, u do some part of paper well but u fail to understand the other part of paper, Next year u prepare well but this time something new went wrong, every time u face a new problem and u start find an answer and this process goes on and on. Some of u may succeed but majority will lose in this way.
The secret of success is inside you only, but u never searched for it, u go to a coaching inst get a printed material, buy some books...the same process is done by some 2 lakh students in whole India, but how many get success.
If u applies the three basic things in your life, every student will get success ...i.e. .speed, balance and weight. When you prepare for some examination, you need to know
1.    How much speed you have to develop in order to excel from rest of the competitors (i.e. your own pace).
2.    Balance -You need to understand the sensitivity of balance in every examination, if you throw something in water it sinks but when thrown at a certain speed at a certain angle it floats, In the same way studying with right balance will keep you in the field for a long time otherwise others will take your place. Everybody asks simple questions like how many hours u need to study for civil services, How to .make a schedule etc ,I think by now u must have understand what I am talking about.
3.    Now comes the weight, every examination comes with some sort of dedicated efforts, some exam demands more efforts, some less, you have to really understand how much you have to put effort and that is also in the right direction, even if u put the most dedicated efforts without knowing the right scientific approach, your efforts will never give results, Right efforts with right approach with scientific approach will sure to give positive results. Remember if you have to walk in a rope between two poles, then you need to carry a pole of wood to balance yourself and walk with a certain speed to cross the rope. In the same way you have to train your mind and prepare yourself for the best .All the very best for all urn future endeavors.
Thanks to...  Ujjwal Kumar Das [from UPSC Portal]

Feb 10, 2012

Feb 4, 2012

National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) on pilot basis to roll out Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) system through RFID (Radio frequency identification technology) mode.


"NHAI will introduce this new system between New Delhi and Panipat sections of National Highway (NH) 1. The system will initially replace the current cash payment method. Based on the feed back, it will be rolled out nationally", said Mr C. Kandasamy, Director General (RD) and SS, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, speaking at a FKCCI seminar on 'Special emphasis on greenfield expressways'.

"Currently NHAI has roped in banks like SBI, ICICI and few others for selling on board units (device fixed to the vehicles) and for toll collection," he added.

The RFID technology consists of a device that contains an identification number and a reader which works as a scanner that triggers the device to broadcast its identification number.

This number usually acts as an input to further data processing. The RFID is designed to enable readers to capture data on device and transmit it to computer system without needing a person to be involved.

Interoperability will be tested on the New Delhi-Panipat section of the highway. On completion of the tests, the ETC system will be rolled out pan-India from next year and will also create facility for credit card payments, said Mr Kandasamy.

Mr Kandasamy further said "the ETC system will increase user convenience by saving on fuel and reducing commuting time."

A committee on electronic toll collection headed by the UIDAI Chairman, Mr Nandan Nilekani, recently recommended using the RFID technology for improving efficiencies in toll collection.


According to Mr R.K. Gupta, General Manager - Technical (Project Director), National Highways Authority of India, "We have implemented ETC system on elevated road connecting Bangalore and Electronic City on Hosur road."

"At present the response is poor and we are talking to the IT companies in Electronic City to popularise ETC system to reduce inconvenience to their employees," he added.

NHAI is also planning to introduce ETC system to Bellary road (NH7) connecting Bangalore city and Bangalore International Airport.

Source: The Hindu

Feb 2, 2012

SC quashes 122 licences of 2G spectrum scam: Justices Singhvi and Ganguly

NEW DELHI: In a major setback for the government, the Supreme Court on Thursday quashed all 122 spectrum licences granted after January 2008. 

The apex court left it open for the trial court to decide whether home minister P Chidambaramneeds to probed in the 2G scam. 

The SC said that there was no need for SIT to monitor the 2G scam probe. 

The SC verdicts came on Janata Party president Subramanian Swamy's petition seeking a CBI probe into the alleged role of home minister P Chidambaram in the spectrum scam, and on two pleas by lawyer Prashant Bhushan seeking cancellation of 2G licences and setting up of an SIT to monitor probe into the scam. 

Swamy has demanded a CBI probe into the role of Chidambaram with regard to the 2G scam. The Janata Party chief, who is the petitioner in the 2G case, has alleged that Chidambaram, then the finance minister, could have prevented jailed former telecom minister A Raja from giving away spectrum at throwaway prices to select companies, but chose not to do so. 

Swamy had won a success in the court on Tuesday when Justices Singhvi and Ganguly upheld his right to seek the prosecution of Raja for the 2G scam and indicted the PMO for delaying prosecution of the sacked telecom minister.

Source: TOI with Ref Sources.

Jan 25, 2012

Dahej to Gogha 300km no way its 30km Soon [Ro-Ro Ferry Service - foundation stone laid by CM at Gogha]

Chief minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone for constructing the Ro-Ro terminal at Gogha, 20 km from Bhavnagar today, January 25. Development of Ro-Ro ferry service terminals at Ghogha in Bhavnagar and at Dahej in Bharuch, will help in drastically changing the passenger and vehicular traffic in the region, says CM.

The purpose of the project is to facilitate the establishment of a vehicular and passenger ferry service across the the Gulf of Khambhat, Due to its peculiar geographical configuration, the Gulf of Khambhat has advantage for the operation of Ro-Ro ferry service. "We plan to run ferries that can carry maximum number of passengers and vehicles on this route once the terminals are ready. Initially, we will be running 2-3 ferry vessels and looking at its utility, the number would be increased," said Shri Pankajkumar of GMB. The circuitous road distance around the Gulf of Cambay between the Gogha and Dahej is 360 km. However, the distance will reduce to just 31 km using the sea route.

The construction of terminals at Ghogha and Dahej will be completed in 15 months.The project cost of the ferry service is estimated to be Rs 296 crore and commenced in 2013. According to officials, the project will include construction of berthing jetty, structure for pontoon, access bund, access trestle, link-span bridge, dredging, land reclamation, parking, provision of passenger amenities and terminal connectivity, among others.

Ro-Ro ferries are special vessels on to which vehicles can drive and be accommodated for the sea journey on special vehicle decks. The maximum capacity ferry vehicle is expected to have capacity to accommodate more than 100 vehicles including trucks, buses, cars, etc and more than 1,000 passengers in each of its trips.

The state government is also planning to construct approximately 6.5 km four-lane rigid pavement connecting Ghogha ferry terminal from the state highway.

"Gujarat government, through its visionary policies and proactive measures, has ensured that these natural advantages are not wasted. Government has led Gujarat to become number one maritime state in the country," CM Narendra Modi said.

The Revolutionary Project of Gogha Dahej Ro-Ro Ferry Service at a glance:

* Facilitates safe and speedy movement of vehicles with cargo/passengers in the Gulf of Kambhat between Gogha and Dahej

* Reduces the journey distance from 360 km by road to 31 km by sea route

* Approved budget of Rs.296 crores

* Results in saving of fuel and contributes towards a pollution free, cleaner and greener Gujarat.

-- With Regards,
Malvaniya Prashant 
+91-94 2 90 50 638

Mother, I salute thee! :Vandemataram (translated by Sri Aurobindo)

Mother, I salute thee!
Rich with thy hurrying streams,
bright with orchard gleams,
Cool with thy winds of delight,
Green fields waving Mother of might,
Mother free.

Glory of moonlight dreams,
Over thy branches and lordly streams,
Clad in thy blossoming trees,
Mother, giver of ease
Laughing low and sweet!
Mother I kiss thy feet,
Speaker sweet and low!
Mother, to thee I bow.

Who hath said thou art weak in thy lands
When swords flash out in seventy million hands
And seventy million voices roar
Thy dreadful name from shore to shore?
With many strengths who art mighty and stored,
To thee I call Mother and Lord!
Thou who saves, arise and save!
To her I cry who ever her foe drove
Back from plain and sea
And shook herself free.

Thou art wisdom, thou art law,
Thou art heart, our soul, our breath
Though art love divine, the awe
In our hearts that conquers death.
Thine the strength that nerves the arm,
Thine the beauty, thine the charm.
Every image made divine
In our temples is but thine.

Thou art Durga, Lady and Queen,
With her hands that strike and her
swords of sheen,
Thou art Lakshmi lotus-throned,
And the Muse a hundred-tone,
Pure and perfect without peer,
Mother lend thine ear,
Rich with thy hurrying streams,
Bright with thy orchard gleems,
Dark of hue O candid-fair

In thy soul, with jewelled hair
And thy glorious smile divine,
Loveliest of all earthly lands,
Showering wealth from well-stored hands!
Mother, mother mine!
Mother sweet, I bow to thee,
Mother great and free!

Jan 24, 2012

Budget of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) for the financial year 2012-13

Mr. Guruprasad Mohapatra (AMC Commissioner) on Saturday will present the budget of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) for the financial year 2012-13 before the standing committee. The commissioner is likely to increase budget proposals by around 6-7% as compared to the proposal for FY 2011-12 of Rs3,951 crore, thus raising it to Rs4,300-4,350 crore.

Last year, the then municipal commissioner IP Guatam, had proposed a budget of Rs3,951 crore which was increased to Rs4,651 crore by the civic body standing committee chairman Bhupendra Patel.

Since it was an election year, the civic body focused on providing the basic amenities to the citizens. Similarly this year, elections for the state assembly are scheduled and that is why the focus is likely to remain on providing basic amenities to people rather than spending huge amount on capital intensive urban projects.

Taking into consideration priority of the municipal commissioner, more financial allocation is expected for solid waste management and cleanliness in the city. The civic body had announced more than half a dozen flyovers, of which work on only a couple of bridges have started, and thus the proposals are likely to be repeated.

The civic body has already proposed to convert eight existing roads to model roads and more roads are likely to be converted into model roads in the next financial year.

RBI and SBI never send you any mail, if you get any mail its FAKE mail, just Delete it.

A fack mail sent by a chines company as RESERVE BANK OF INDIA (, please don't open it. Reserve bank of India (RBI) and State Bank of India (SBI) are not send any kind of mailes to the people. so don't open it and respond it. Just Delete it and change you email account passwords. Keep surfing Safe surfing.

Amazon Fire Leaves Google Apps, Takes Android

Since Google Inc. (GOOG) introduced its Android operating system in 2007, the company's strategy has been simple: Give it to developers for free and make money when consumers click ads on the Web or through apps. That model is hitting a snag. Inc. (AMZN) and Chinese Internet giants Baidu Inc. and Tencent Holdings Ltd. are using Android as a building block for their devices, skipping preloaded applications such as Gmail, Google Maps and YouTube that generate ad revenue for Google, as well as its app store. Amazon's Kindle Fire tablet, which is gaining ground on Apple Inc. (AAPL)'s iPad, comes with none of those apps.

"The Fire may be the best Android tablet out there, even though it's the least Android-y of all of them," said Noah Elkin, an analyst at New York-based research firm EMarketer Inc. "The Google experience is very much in the background."

Mobile advertising is one of Google's fastest-growing markets, withindustrywide revenue projected to rise to $20.6 billion in 2015 from $3.3 billion in 2010, according to Gartner Inc. With online traffic increasingly coming through apps instead of mobile browsers, Google's push to wring mobile-ad revenue from Android could be impeded if more device makers emulate and succeed with Amazon's scaled-back approach.

"Part of the reason Android is so important as an operating system is that it lets Google put its mobile services front and center," said Ken Sena, an analyst at Evercore Partners Inc.

for more detail report go on 

Business Analytics of Gartner Forecast to Mobile Advertising Revenue Reach $3.3 Billion in 2011 Financial year.

Asia/Pacific to Remain Leading Market Although Revenue in North America and Western Europe Is Strengthening

STAMFORD, Conn., June 16, 2011—  Worldwide mobile advertising revenue is forecast to reach $3.3 billion in 2011, more than double the $1.6 billion generated in 2010, according to Gartner, Inc. Worldwide revenue will reach $20.6 billion by 2015, but not all types of mobile advertising will generate the same opportunity. Search and maps will deliver the highest revenue, while video/audio ads will see the fastest growth through 2015.

"Mobile advertising is now recognized as an opportunity for brands, advertisers and publishers to engage consumers in a targeted and contextual manner, improving returns," said Stephanie Baghdassarian, research director at Gartner. "For that reason, mobile advertising budgets are set to increase tremendously across the various categories and regions, growing from 0.5 percent of the total advertising budget in 2010 to over 4 percent in 2015."

"As the adoption of smartphones and media tablets extends to more consumers, the audience for mobile advertising will increase and become easier to segment and target, driving the growth of mobile advertising spend for brands and advertisers," said Andrew Frank, research vice president at Gartner. "Brand marketers who want to include mobile in their advertising initiatives should not delay their trials, and should have their budgets in place now to take advantage of mass consumer adoption of smartphones and media tablets."

North America and Western Europe are the regions where mobile advertising budgets will grow most, representing 28 percent and 25 percent of the global market by 2015 (see Table 1). However, Asia/Pacific and Japan will remain the leading market throughout the forecast period. Asia/Pacific and Japan is forecast to account for 49.2 percent of mobile advertising in 2011, and 33.6 percent of the global market in 2015.

Table 1:  Source: Gartner (June 2011) 
MobileAdvertising Revenue by Region, Worldwide, 2008-2015 (Millions of Dollars)





North America




Western Europe




Asia/Pacific and Japan




Rest of the World








Gartner analysts said various types of mobile advertising will behave differently.

"Mobile search, which includes paid positioning on maps and various forms of augmented reality, all of which can be informed by location, will spearhead mobile ad spending," Ms. Baghdassarian said. "Mobile display, which includes both standard Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) banner formats and nonstandard rich media and interactive formats, will continue to be closely divided between in-app and mobile Web (in-browser) placements, reflecting consumer usage."

For several years, mobile advertising has been scrutinized, and it is expected to take off, thanks to various players in the market, from communication service providers (CSPs) to ad networks.

"In 2011, we are finally seeing some important drivers fall into place, so that we can expect the market to more than double year-over-year in the coming two years," said Mr. Frank. "This doesn't mean, by any stretch, that the experience delivered by mobile advertising will reach its optimum point in that time frame. We expect that targeting and contextualization, especially in social sites and applications, will carry on improving throughout the forecast period and beyond."

Additional information is available in the Gartner report "Forecast: Mobile Advertising, Worldwide, 2008-2015." Source: Gartner 

Jan 20, 2012

The case timeline : SC asks Tax dept to return Rs 2500 crore to Vodafone with 4% interest

Feb 2007: Vodafone buys 67% stake in Hutchison India for $ 11.5 bn 

August 2007: Income Tax dept issues show cause notice to Hutchison Essar

September 2007: Income Tax dept issues show cause notice to Vodafone 

October 2007: Vodafone files a writ petition in the Bombay High Court

* *

February 2008: Govt amends Section 201 of IT act with retrospective effect, Amendment makes withholding tax mandatory 

December 2008: Bombay High Court allows Tax dept to proceed on show cause notice

* *

January 2009: Vodafone approaches Supreme Court challenging Tax dept's jurisdiction

January 2009: SC asks Tax dept to determine whether it has jurisdiction to levy tax

Jan-Sept 2009: Vodafone provides documents to tax dept to determine jurisdiction 

30 October 2009:  Income tax Dept issues new showcause notice

* *

29 January 2010: Vodafone files its response against the fresh showcause notice 

31 May 2010: Tax dept issues order claiming jurisdiction to tax the transaction

* *

7 June 2010: Vodafone files a writ petition in the Bombay HC challenging the order 

8 Sept 2010: Bombay HC delivers the verdict in favour of IT Dept

14 Sept 2010: Vodafone challenges the Bombay HC order in the Supreme Court

15 Nov 2010: SC asks Vodafone to deposit Rs 2500 cr in cash,Rs 8500 cr in bank guarantees

20 Jan 2012: Supreme Court delivers 2:1 judgement, no tax liability for Vodafone, No capital gains as buyer, seller are both foreign entities, SC asks Tax dept to return Rs 2500 crore to Vodafone with 4% interest

Source: BS Reporter / Mumbai Jan 20, 2012, 13:41 IST

Jan 19, 2012

CNBC TV 18 Business Award – 2012 : Gujarat Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi honored for "outstanding contribution to the cause of Indian Business"

Gujarat Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi honored for "Outstanding contribution to the cause of Indian Business"

Mr. Modi created an environment, governance system and basic infrastructure where rich and poor, young and established entrepreneurs can live, work and do business.

Resident Commissioner Shri Bharat Lal received award on behalf of CM from Union Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee

Gujarat Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi bagged the India Business Leader–CNBC TV 18 Award -2012 for his outstanding contribution to the Cause of Indian Business. On behalf of Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi, Resident Commissioner Shri Bharat Lal received this award from Union Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee at a function held here.

Shri Modi is the only political leader who has been selected for the distinguished award which has been established to honour the individuals and organizations that have created new benchmarks for corporate excellence and have taken Indian business to a new echelon of fame.

When the whole world was reeling under the economic slowdown, Shri Modi's vision and governance made Gujarat to achieve an unprecedented double digit economic growth.Gujarat has registered a GDP growth of over 10 percent over past five years which is the highest growth rate among all the states in India.

He is the only political entity who has propagated avision that growth of Gujarat is integral for India's development which can be achieved by developing a synergistic approach towards converting the slowdown into an opportunity for all to excel.

Under the leadership, statesmanship and governance of Shri Modi which he displayed in last decade as Chief Minister,Gujarat is home to one of the best infrastructure in the country. It is power surplus and sells power to other States. It is free of labour disputes and issues relating to land acquisition.

Shri Modi envisioned events such the biennial Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors' Summit since 2003. Thousands of crores of rupees have since flowed into the State. He also harnessed the new opportunities brought in by the ongoing economic reforms, liberalisation and globalisation of the Indian economy.

To realize the vision of Gujarat in totality, capitalizing on the in-house financial business acumen is a must. Shri Modi has laid his dream project, Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT)as the test-bed for future city technologies to cater to India's large financial services potential by offering global firms, world-class infrastructure and facilities.

Jal Shakti: Harnessing of Water Resources,
Gyan Shakti: Quality and coverage in Education,
Jan Shakti: Development of Human Resources,
Urja Shakti: Power of energy sources and
Raksha Shakti: Security and well being of people.

Since coming to power in 2001, Shri Modi hasreoriented and reorganized government's administrative structure, embarked upon a massive exercise for rehabilitation of people, reconstruction of infrastructure, recreation of the business environment and rejuvenation of the traditional entrepreneurial spirit of Gujarat. In the very first year of his tenure, he came out with an integrated strategy for overall development of the State.It is known as Panchamrut(five nectars) and includesJal Shakti:Harnessing of Water Resources,Gyan Shakti:Quality and coverage in Education,Jan Shakti:Development of Human Resources,Urja Shakti:Power of energy sources andRaksha Shakti:Security and well being of people. The efforts of his government have resulted into metamorphosis of a revenue deficit state into a revenue surplus state.

He is widely regarded as a youthful and energetic leader with innovative thoughts and determination to implement them. Shri Modi has not only offered conducive environment to industry honchos to bloom and flourish but has also mobilized employment opportunities for other sections of the society particularly youth, poor and girls. According to Government of India's recently released survey, Gujarat accounts for 72 percent of the total employment rate whereas rest of India stands at 28 percent.

In 2011, Shri Narendra Modi launched an ambitious campaign by the name MISSION MANGALAM with an objective to organize the poor into Self Help Groups/ Sakhi Mandals and link them with banks, build capacities in them and lead them towards sustainable livelihoods. Under this umbrella, the State Government has initiated a major programme of Corporate-Business Partnerships to conceptualize and implement projects which would generate and augment livelihoods in the rural areas of Gujarat to the tune of 1.2 million in the next 3-5 years. The total financial commitments to enable the above would be exceeding Rs. 20,000 Crores.

It was Tata Nano that first put the spotlight on Gujarat four years ago, when its car-manufacturing project was relocated here after a troubled stint in West Bengal. Since then, other automakers have followed Tata Motors to the State. Car manufacturing plants are rapidly dotting the landscape with the likes of Ford, Peugeot, Tata Motors and Maruti-Suzuki set for some big plans.

Shri Modi mooted a model of development through people's participation. USP of hisdevelopment model has been: a quantumleap (think big) and change right from the roots (no cosmetic changes). A large number of water harvesting structures like check dams, farm ponds and initiatives like Krishi Mahotsav (agricultural festival) and Kanya kelavani campaign (girl child education drive) are its examples. Agriculture production quadrupled from Rs.9,000 crores to 34,000 crores. Gujarat leads in energy production with 1878 megawatts of power generation. Through the Jyotigram yojana, he has been able to supply uninterrupted three phase round the clock electricity to all the 18,000 villages of the state.The rural economy is now vibrant owing to this and the villages have turned into centers of production. The state has ushered in a water revolution with creation of a large number of water harvesting structures and popularization of micro-irrigation techniques. Gujarat is the only state where, under the project e-gram vishwa gram, all the 18,000 villages are being provided broadband connectivity.

One of the key factors catalyzing Gujarat's emergence as the most preferred investment destination is its security. Gujarat has the lowest crime rate in the country in last six years. Terrorist nexus, mafias and gangs have all lost grounds here.

A leader who believes in team-work and a good work culture, Shri Modi has launched an ambitious training programme for the 5,00,000 government employees in Gujarat which is being watched in awe by every other state. Many of his initiatives like evening courts, interlinking of rivers, Jyotigram, Grievance redressal through SWAGAT online and others are being viewed as models for replication at the national level.

The remarkable development projects achieved in Gujarat under Chief Minister Modi's leadership during last decade was not only applauded by industrialists but national leaders also. Gujarat has set an example for other Indian States as well as reserved its place in the South Asian sub-continent.It is quite gratifying that State Government's efforts in good governance are being applauded the world over. The visit of Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi to China in November 2011 has been a grand success and generated huge interest among business and industrial community as well as the Chinese political leadership. Chinese being diligent to the core, having seen all round development and spectacular growth of Gujarat, and the leadership provided by Mr. Narendra Modi, wants to build a strong and enduring relationship with Gujarat.

Gujarat has received more than 200 national and international awards in last nine years for Good Governance.

Shri Kumar Manglam Birla, Ms. Chanda Kochhar, Shri Deepak Parekh, Shri Raghav Bahal and other eminent personalities were the jury members for selection of the awardees.

January 18, 2012

Know your personality by your name latter.

Does your name begin with: A   U is not particularly romantic, but you are interested in action. You mean business. With you, wha...