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Nov 26, 2014

How to Track Twitter Hashtags?

Sometimes, you need to track hashtags, for example, if you want to see whether twitterers are mentioning your company, brand, or event. People talk about you and your company on Twitter, although probably not as much as they discuss celebrity deaths or charges of election tampering.

The following websites enable you to track hashtags:
  • A site that lets you see not only what’s trending that day, week, or month, but it also gives you a graphical representation of the frequency of tweets on the topic, who’s using hashtags, and even a count of how many times a hashtag is used. You have to follow @hashtags to have your hashtags tracked. Otherwise, the Hashtags site’s application doesn’t pick up the hashtags.
  • Find the trends that are being widely talked about in your city. Right now, tracks cities around the world. If yours is one of them, you can see what the top Twitter trends are in your city. This site is great for local marketers and businesses that want to stay on top of what’s happening in their city.
  • HashTweeps: Type in the hashtag for which you want to search and click the Search button. HashTweeps shows you the people who’ve been talking about that issue. You can use this site to see who’s been talking about a particular problem in your industry, and then start following these people so that you can join the discussion.
  • Twitterfall: A Twitter search site that searches for your hashtags and keywords (it can search for non-hashtagged items, too). It displays the tweets that it finds in a cascading waterfall fashion.
  • monitter: This site looks like an Adobe AIR application, like TweetDeck, but it operates like Twitterfall. You can search for several different keywords and keep them grouped in columns, instead of just running them all in one column. You can even tell monitter to search around a specific city if you’re interested in seeing people within a specific area who are talking about your topic.
  • Twitter Search: Twitter’s own search function not only lets you search for keywords and hashtags, but it also keeps track of what’s trending the most that day.
  • What the Trend?: This site follows search trends as well as gives a brief explanation of why a particular topic is trending that day. It also has a paid version that allows (among many other things) the ability to obtain analytics and reporting.
  • Trendistic: This site tracks hashtags, letting you visually select time frames for which it shows the tweets that contain the hashtag you are searching for.
  • TweetDeck: This desktop application lets you do searches for people or keywords, and create groups of users whom you want to follow.

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By  from Twitter Marketing For Dummies, 2nd Edition

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